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wondering about huskys size

20 9:09:11

Hello, I have a purebred siberian husky and I was just wondering if his size was average.  I was reading up on older posts earlier and it made me wonder.  My sibe is now 7 months and 5 days old and the last time I weighed him he was 6 months and was 50 lbs.  He is as of today 24 inches at the shoulders and who know how much he weighs now im guessing about 60 lbs. when I got him at 8 weeks he was severely underweight (about 3-5 lbs) and had giardia, he came from a litter of 11 pups. So I was just wondering about his size in general and what he might become as an adult.  He is already bigger then our 1 year old australian shepherd and our 3 year old lab x bouvier des flandres.

It's always difficult to tell adult weight based on height and weight as a puppy, as dogs (much like humans) hit growth spurts at different times.  Generally, a Sibe will stop growing in height around 10-14 months of age, and then spend about 6-8 months filling out muscle, etc.  Considering the dog is already at the standard, I would guess he'll be above average and while it's a guess, he'll probably end up growing a few more inches and probably increasing in weight about 30% or so.  But those are just guesses, without seeing the dog in person, it's impossible to tell.  In any case, hope that gives you some info.