Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Should I Adopt?

Should I Adopt?

20 9:12:17

I've been looking to adopt a dog from the local dog's home for a while, particularly looking for a Lab (pure or cross).  When I went down there on Saturday, I discovered a wonderful 20-month old male Husky who had been passed in.  I've always been a sucker for Huskies, with their friendly and inquisitive natures.  My sister had one.  Having grown up with first a labrador then a bearded collie, I'm also a sucker for bigger dogs.

My situation is thus: I work as does my housemate, so any dog I get will be left to their own devices for 7-8 hours a day.  My house is in the suburbs and has a dog-friendly backyard (previous owner had two huskies themselves, so the fences are 6" high and 1" under) with enough length to allow a dog to stretch out a bit.  The only bit I'd have to change would be a new gate, because the original is only 3 foot high and mesh...little challenge for a husky who has made the decision to explore.  The house also has a deck, so there is a sheltered spot underneath from the elements.  My goal would be that any dog I did get would spend the day outside, rather than cooped up inside.

So with all that in hand, is this a respectable, if not ideal, environment to bring this dog into?  If it is, what types of toys, etc. could I invest in to engage him and stave of boredom?

Any help greatly appreciated.



To me this sounds like a good situation.  Of course, I would recommend trying to get the dog used to both conditions, but not having him cooped up in the house all day is probably a good option.  Unfortunately, advice on toys is difficult to give because some dogs love things that taste good, others love things that squeak while others don't care as long as they can tear (or try) to tear it up.  Depends compeltely on the dog!  Howver, I've found that a good mix is good to start with, keeping in mind that Sibes are good sized dogs that have a lot of energy (but not necessarily that powerful of jaw muscles).  A 20 month old dog probably is used to a few things already, so breaking him of things might be an issue, but you don't really ever know that until you get him.  I would say if you feel comfortable with the research you've done and your housemate is all for it - then sounds like a good idea to me!