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How much walking for my huskey pup

20 9:11:45

Hi I live in the UK and I have a 10 week old huskey, he has had all of his injections and is now able to go for walks, I am unsure on how much walking I should give her as we live in the countryside with 100 of acres of green woodland to explore, but I don't want to effect her hips etc in later life.

If you have a well bred Siberian Husky, you generally do not have to worry about over-exertion of the dog causing physical injuries or problems later in life (within reason).  Generally, playing and running/walking with your puppy until he gets tired is just fine.  If he wants to go for a 30 minute walk, that is great.  If he gets tired 15 minutes in, just realize you may be carrying him for the walk back.  At the same time, I remember my 12 week old used to love going out for hours at a time.  She never seemed phased and would simply pass out whenever we finally got back home or stopped some place to enjoy some coffee or eat.  :)  Unlike some of the giant breeds where you have to allow the dog's bone structure and musculature to form before engaging in exercise, Siberians are generally very sturdy and fit dogs that don't suffer from joint problems later in life caused by early exertion.  At the same time, I wouldn't recommend any pulling activities until 6-12 months, nor any running/jogging that the dog itself doesn't initiate.  (If you are walking and the dog wants to run a bit, that's fine, but I wouldn't go out "running" with the dog for another few months.)

Hope that helps and let me know if you need anything else!