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peeing alot

20 9:16:02

my husky max is 13 weeks we have him at 6 weeks old.he know he is to go out side to the bathroom,but he is peeing every 5 minutes.we take him out he will go and then come in the house and go again.not sure what to this normal in large breed dogs please HELP.....

Six weeks is a relatively early time to take on a puppy, which sometimes means that additioanl behavorial problems can occur.  If you are seeing what seems excessive amounts of urination, I would suggest a trip to the vet.  Excessive urination can be a symptom of a urinary tract infection or kidney problems.  I would tend to think that this isn't the case, but it is worth checking out.  Additionally, keep an eye on water intake, and try giving the dog more time outside to urinate.  Male dogs, while usually developing it later on, do like to spread it around to mark territory, and while 13 weeks is quite young, it is not unheard of for the dog to be taking that action.  Additionally, try to make sure that the dog is confined a little bit more inside, which should help the problem.  Crate training helps the dog establish boundaries, and most house training problems come from the owners giving the dog too much free reign inside the house.  This causes problems with the dog not quite understanding the in vs. out for bathroom arrangements.

Hope that helps, and if you have any questions on crate training, feel free to write back.