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female husky shedding hair really badly

20 9:10:11

i this question is on behalf of my sister who has bought a siberian husky from a pup, at the age of 6 onths old she decided to have her doctored (if thats the correct phrase to use) and ever since her op she sheds her coat hair really badly, she not balding or showing signs of any sort of patcynes of any description, but she is now just over 12 months old and is still really shedding her coat hairs is there a cure or anything she can do to prevent or slow down the rate of hair loss on her.  many thanks in advance.  logan.

She is shedding, in a Siberian this is normal. They blow their coat 2 times a year like that once they hit adult hight. All I can suggest is take her to a groomer to get the excess hair removed, she will feel better when all the ichy hair is gone.
Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B