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Husky Dog Aggression

20 9:11:19

Our 3 year old Sib, Juno, is the sweetest dog to people. I don't even mind the prey drive so much, but my main problem with him is dog aggression.  Even as a small pup, he would attack our Sheltie constantly. Even after correction, he would start again.  We finally got him to stop to a point, but would never leave them alone together.  

Now, our Sheltie has passed away and we have a Miniature Siberian Husky.  (Not Klee Kaa). Frosty has maxed out at 25 pounds and Juno is 65 pounds.  They seem to like to play (in adjoining fenced areas), but again, I would never leave them alone together.

We took them to obedience classes.  Frosty was great, but Juno had an 8 mth old Golden Ret Pup get too close and, without any obvious warning, attacked.  The trainer was understanding because the pup was constantly trying to get to Juno and staring.  We decided to wait until I could bring Juno alone to the next class.  

Yesterday, the neighbor kids had a couple of pups on leash where my 17 year old son had Juno on leash. He hadn't walked him much, so I was nearby. He didn't have a good grip on the leash and one of the pups got too close. (No warning again), Juno leaped and got the pup by the ear, and started dragging him. I separated them really quick and made Juno lie down on his side.  The pup wasn't marked, just scared.  I don't like the trend of these incidents and have NEVER had a dog this dog aggressive.  Help!

What would be best for him is to go to a class for shy/aggressive dogs. He needs hands on help. He sounds like a great dog otherwise! I am routing for you but all I can tell you to do is seek help for him. I can give you tips and tricks, but there needs to be a trained watchful eye to read his body language. I wouldn't want another dog hurt. I am cheering for you!
-Michelle B