Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Food Agression

Food Agression

20 9:11:33

I recently purchased a husky pup that is 8 weeks old. I already have an English mastiff that is ten years old. the husky pup ( a female) seems to get along ok with the mastiff (also a female) until the pup sees her heading towards her food dish. The Mastiff has no interest in eating from the pups bowl. the pup will rush at her and growl sometimes even nip at her then will lay down infront of her dish guarding it. when I noticed this behavior a few times I began to take the pup and put her into a submissive position on her side and allow the older dog to eat from her dish saying no to the pup if she growls.
The pup is being feed by me in the morning and night right after i eat so I think that she is getting enough to eat.
She also growls at the older dog when she comes into my room . ( This is where the pups crate is. What can I do to resolve this problem before it gets any worse , and is it ok what I am doing about the food issue.
Please help.

If she seems to be doing better, you are doing great (hurray!)! One thing you can also try is taking her food bowl away when she acts aggressive, bring it back in 5 to 10 mins later if she still offers an unwanted behavior do the same thing, take the bowl away. Allowing her to eat after she is naughty even if you scold her is like awarding the behavior, this will help you enforce what you are trying to show her.
When it comes to the crate, sit the older dog next to her crate and have the pup on a leash. Remove her, or flip her on her back if it is working for you, from the room with it when she is acting up. This enforces that the older dog "owns" that area and it also shows the pup it is okay and nothing bad will happen to her stuff if she just chills out.
-Michelle B