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Second Husky

20 9:11:26

Hi there,
We just got a second husky about 8 days ago.  He's 3 months old.  Our other husky just turned a year.  They seem to get along pretty well they wrestle and haven't really had any major spats.
Oddly enough our female that's a year old seems to want to stay outside a lot more than she previously did.  Especially if just my wife is home and I'm at work she just stays out there most the day.  Would there be a reason for this?  Is she jealous and does she not want to be around the house or the puppy?

I do make sure our 1 yr old gets her one on one time.  I take her to the off leash park every other day and bike her around it.  So I'm not sure if there's even an issue or not.

Sounds to me like she is staying outside to protect her new puppy. I have a female that does this. She goes out and patrols the lawn seems to make her feel better. It is just maturnal instenct kicking in! She will stop ding this once the puppy gets older.
Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B