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abit more about bones

20 9:16:50

Hello Faye,

Thanks again for your help and advice yesterday. I was able to get a considerable amount of pork bones and chicken carcasses for next to nothing from a local butcher.

I was hoping to ask just two quick questions to get me started.  I plan to do some more reading on "bones and raw food".

My girlfriend is concerned about feeding our husky raw chicken and chicken carcasses due to the possible presence of bacteria.  

I understand that cooking the carcass will make the bones brittle and thus dangerous to eat.  

Would placing the carcass in boiling water for a number of seconds to a minute be a problem.  Is it at all necessary?     

Also, is a meal of bones sufficient for the day.  I just fed him some pork bones.  Should I feed him bones one day and then alternate with one of your meal recommendations for the next day.  Or should I follow the meal of bones with something else.

Thank you.

Dear Cameron,
Hi again. Good to hear what I told you helped, you cant go wrong with natural food. Dont let any one convince you otherwise. I have fed my guys raw chicken all thier lives one of my guys is 10 I think if bacteria was an issue I would have had problems before now but not once has this happened. So I would not concern myself, dogs eat all sorts of nasty things in the wild and they don't get sick from them. Don't boil the meat as it kills all the natural enzymes present in the food which keeps a dog healthy. Did you know if a dog got a raw bone and buried it and dug it up later he could eat it just fine. But the same bone cooked would give him food poisoning? Don't attempt to cook anything. Try to give different meats on different days, plus an egg or some other things. Different meats provide different balances of nutrients, you really do not need to be too scientific about it. Every now and then just incase you can give your dog some human multivitamins as well. I had a dog who was 8 have some blood work the other day, he has been on this diet his whole life and the vet said he was one of the finest examples she had seen for his age. His blood test was great too. So don't sweat over it keep it simple, raw, and easy.
Hope this further helps you.
Faye and Husky Crew