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More questions!

20 9:10:58


Sorry to bother you again...the crate training is going much better, thanks so much.  But now(it never ends), my 15 month old husky, Barrow is vomiting after he eats.  Other than showing a little bit of depression due to probably being overwhelmed, he is fine.  He keeps little treats down and drinks is right after he eats.  I called the vet and she seemed to think that it is somewhat behavioral as he doesn't sound sick.  Have you ever heard of anything like that?  We have been paying close attention to keeping his routine and making sure he gets the attention that he got before we got the pup.  Any ideas?  Thanks again


Hmm . . . this one is tough.  Is he vomiting up rather undigested kibble?  And how long after eating?  Does it seem like it's the whole amount of the feeding, or just a little bit?

My initial guess it that Barrow may be just a little too excited when eating.  If that is the case, isolating him when he eats, in a separate, comfy room, might help.  Also, you may want to try reducing portion sizes and feeding more often - maybe even four or five times per day, and then slowly increase the amount per feeding as you get back to a twice or three times a day schedule.

Write back and let me know more about the timing and amounts on his regurgitation.