Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > 11mos old part husky&shep mix

11mos old part husky&shep mix

20 9:12:26

I would like to know what to feed her? Is it ok to give her some milk sometime? right now we feed her can dog food mixed with iams dry food is this good please help she is a little moody about eating some foods

The dog food I swear by is Canadae. This food was never recalled and its first ingredient is meat (protene is actually what this growing pup needs now the most of the bones will gain there density from 1 to 3 years of age so Calcium really isn't that important there bodies take there time using Calcium), it does not have wheat in it at all. Milk in moderation is okay, I wouldn't give it on a constant bases. Milk causes Liver (I belive it was the liver I could be wrong) stones in dogs if given to much which is very painful and is expensive to remove. It is great that you are mixing her food if you are getting a high quality can food it still has the enzymes in it that will help clean the teeth. Soy is NOT good for dog and will cause Diarrhea in Huskies. Give her a chew and brush her teeth at least once  a week to encourage the health of her mouth (no hard bones that can crack and chip molars, again expensive and painful)-Michelle B ^^