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Siberian Husky 11 Weeks Old Info...

20 9:09:23

I have never raised a Siberian Husky before but many mix breeds(not stating that i am pro but i know the basic). The problem/Question I have is...Is it normal for a Husky to only act as if he hears me when "he" wants to hear me, even if there is nothing else going on around him. I have never had this problem before with my other dogs.
Thanks for any advice you may have!

Sounds completely normal.  Siberians were bred to be very independent and even disobedient, so getting the dog to listen and obey can be a difficult process.  My suggestion is finding a trainer that has experience working with high drive dogs and can help you "reach" the dog.  It usually involves positive and negative reinforcement training.  It can take a while, but it can be done.  I spent almost a year with each of my two dogs in order to get them through "basic" obedience.