Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > which is bigger?

which is bigger?

20 9:08:42

i was wondering which breed is bigger; A Husky or A malamute? I've  heard people say the husky is bigger and I've heard people say the malamute is bigger. so i was just wanting to know.

Malamutes are bigger. Siberians are supposed to be a medium sized dog, in the same catagory as border collies.
Siberians can weigh 35-60 lbs, Malamutes 70+ I have heard them weiging up to 180 lbs. Poorly bred Siberians can be larger then normal. But cannot get close to the largest sized Malamute.
I have included links for support, notice the pictures compaired to people standing with them
Malamute links=
Siberian Husky links=