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throwing up after drinking water

20 9:09:37

i have a 1 1/2 yo husky and when he drinks water he vomits afterwards if he drinks it in small quantities he is fine i.e. drink a little bit and then go back five or ten minuites later and drink some more but if he wants to drink a lot at one time and wont stop himself and will vomit afterwards is this a medical condition or is it the breed and how can i correct this thank you for your help

This is not uncommon, especially in dogs who get hot easily (read - all that fur), and are trying to drink to cool down.  I would stick with smaller portions of water, and just limit access so that he can't drink a lot at once.  This may or may not help him to eventually be able to drink more casually and not throw it back up, but it should prevent him throwing up if he doesn't have access to more water.  If it is just watery vomit, I wouldn't be too concerned, especially if he can drink less and be fine.  If you are noticing any substance to it, I would suggest a trip to the vet to make sure there isn't something else going on.

Also, I've heard that putting ice cubes in the water when he is drinking it can help.  It provides a barrier to keep the dog from getting too much water at once, cools the water down even more, and can give the dog a distraction if they like licking or chewing on the ice.