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husky eating problem

20 9:10:31

hi i own a female husky aged 8 months, we feed her complete dry large breed food, this was reconmended by the breeders she use to love her food, now a real problem to get her to eat halve of her reconmended dail allowence pls can you assist in this problem thanks.

Chances are, don't worry about it much.  Huskies are notorious for skimping on food at various times, and if she is eating half the recommended allowance, it's probably more than enough (they have very efficient metabolisms and often require much less food than the manufacturers suggest).  Keep an eye on activity level, stools, and weight.  If you see her become lethargic, have loose stools, or loosing substantial amounts of weight, then be concerned and take her to the vet.  Otherwise, just stick to it and you'll probably notice that she picks and chooses when and how much she eats . . . but she stays active and her weight will be fine.