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Ear infection causing floppy ears

20 9:12:20

I have a 4.5 month old husky puppy. His ears were floppy when I got him at about 8 weeks old. They gradually started to stand up and at about the 12 week point they were both
 straightened out and have been straight ever since... until
yesterday.  In the morning both ears had gone back to being slightly floppy
like they were from the 8 week point to being straight at 12 weeks.  By
the evening however they were floppier than they had ever been.  Just
like a labs ears and he was shaking his head constantly.  I took him to
the vet and he has an ear infection that is being treated with ear
drops.  I asked the vet if his ears going floppy was due to the infection
and if they would ever go staright again and she said she was unsure.
 She said that it is common for puppies to have their ears go up
and down before 5 months but my concern is that it is the infection
causing this and that it may cause permanent damage to his ears and they
will never go back to standing up.  I guess my questions are can ear
infections cause the ears to go floppy and if so, can this cause the ears
to stay floppy permanently or will they stand back up once the
infection is gone?   Thanks

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about this too much.  If the dog was older, I would be more alarmed, but many Sibe ears alternate for the first several months of their lives, being straight up, floppy, going back to erect, etc.  Generally, around 8-10 months they are finally permanently straight, but not always.  The erect ears are a combination of blood flow and cartiledge, so technically a bad infection could cause problems, but this seems unlikely to me.