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siberian husky

20 9:07:55

hi id like to ask the best kinda food for my husky, since ive bought him he seems to be a fussy eater,and i dont think he eats enuff as hes looking a bit thin, can you advise on the best food, i have been giving him winalot mixed in with dried food,
id aprieciate your help
s mccallum

I do not live in the UK so I am not knowledge able about the brands over their. Look for a food that doesn't contain

Look at the nutrition facts you want a food with 20% or better crude fat. This is what I feed to fatten up a dog. I will tell you though Siberian are calorie counters and will not eat if they do not want to... saying this give them the highest calorie food that you can so when they eat that little bit per day it has some fattening properties to it.

I know they do import this food but I am not sure where so here is a store locator for at least a good old fashion try.

Any more Q's Please ask!
-Michelle B