Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > i have a few questions about huskies

i have a few questions about huskies

20 9:12:06

my first one is why did you buy a huskie? im just wondering and second should i buy one. hope to hear from u soon

Purchasing a dog is a significant investment of time, money and commitment to care for the animal for the entire life.  Actually, I recommend most people DON'T get a Siberian Husky - they are strong willed, independent, intelligent, disobedient, super-active dogs who need a lot of interaction and love getting into trouble.  For me, I liked those traits.  I do a lot of things outdoors, including running and hiking.  I like the idea of having a dog that can do those things with me, and I like the idea of having a dog that will think through things - sometimes too far, but still.  If you aren't prepared to spend a long time training them (mine were in classes for about a year) and giving them a lot of exercise (I run and train for marathons), and let them cause a fair amount of trouble, they aren't the right type of dog.  If you are one of those strange people that enjoy all of those things, then they are definitely worth looking into :)