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My Husky tries to bite

20 9:10:19

Hi.. My 2 month old male husky sometimes tries to bite my hnd when I praise him or touch him, he always follows me or runs to me to chew on my boot...

How to prevent biting and aggression??

Usually when a 2 month old husky is trying to bite, it is called nipping. This is normal for a puppy. It isn't an aggressive act. To stop this all you need to be is calm and firm. Being excited will make him do it more. When he starts, try this. Pick him up, sit him on your lap, hold his mouth shut and firmly say "no". Don't let go until he calms down.
If by chance he is being aggressive the same thing will work. Also try and get him more exercise by walking him, a tired dog is a happy dog. With a puppy that age Take him to a puppy class, it is fun for the puppy and also you will have someone running the class that can give you hands on attention.
If you need me to clarify anything please ask!
-Michelle B