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New Husky destroying house

20 9:13:10

We recently rescued a 1.5 year old Husky. He lives in the house with our older Dalmatian, older Chihuahua, and puppy Chihuahua. The first several weeks the Husky was fine when left alone in the house with the other dogs. Lately, he has started eating everything... shoes, toys, clothes, and terrorizing the Chi puppy in an attempt to play with her. I know Husky dogs get bored and I hate the thought of crating him, but I am worried about the house and the puppy. We do walk him every morning and try to walk him in the evenings. Please tell me there is a magic toy that will keep him busy during the day!

Unfortunately there isn't any magic toy - some dogs do well with certain things (kongs, iCubes, etc) while others lose interest in them rather quickly.  It varies from dog to dog.  The best way to help the dog is to crate train until the dog can learn what is appropriate behavior in the house.  After that, you slowly start trusting the dog and providing more freedom.  It is not uncommon that older dogs that have been rehomed to have a period of bliss and then cause trouble.

It is important to remember that Siberians were bred to run a 100+ miles per day with 15 of their closest friends in several feet of snow . . . there's not an "easy" match to that.  Siberians are very intelligent and high-energy dogs, and the best way to keep them occupied is to work on both sides of that.  Training, long walks or runs, sledding - just some options that help.  The secret is engaging the dog as much as possible in the most challenging tasks possible.  They are brilliant problem solvers, love social interaction and have a born-in desire to run - feed that and it should help.

If you have any other questions, let me know.  Unfortunately, you have a dog with more energy than probably all three of your other dogs combined and you have to channel that.  The only way to do that is to really work with the Sibe as often and as hard as possible.