Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > reply to question

reply to question

20 9:11:24

QUESTION: Hello again you asked me if there was any physical violent between the two of them in my last question the answer is no not yet this is what i am worried about that it could come to this any ideas when she wants to play with him they do play lovely and will even sit lovely together but again when she wants to.

ANSWER: Sorry remind me what you are refering to, I cannot remember what was asked of me. Please remind me what the original problem was. (I have answered so many @.@).
-Michelle B

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have the 3 year old female who keeps growling at my new male 2 years old we have only had him since october growling getting worse

Put a stop to it by telling them no, if that doesn't work, use a spray that is 1/3 vinager and 2/3 water and spray it in the dogs direction when he offers the unwanted behavior. If you as the ALpa of the house do not stop it you will have some problems. It's your house right :)
(To get the timing right you will have to find a dog trainer in your area that makes house calls. They can help you out more then I can because they can show you how and when.)
Any further questions please ask.
-Michelle B