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Husky anxiety

20 9:11:50

QUESTION: We adopted a 1 yr. old siberian husky from a shelter.  She is loving, calm, protective, and great with our kids.  The problem from day one is seperation anxiety with her.  When we tried crate training she almost killed herself by biting thru the wire till her face was bleeding & had to be hospitilized.  Then we tried utility room & she almost chewed thru the door. Then tried garage but she chewed thru the door/jam completly.  Now we are doing the invisiable fence in the garage along with vet monitor drugs & prescription prozac from Walgreens.  This is helping but we don't want to keep her druged forever when we are gone and the opposite is give back to pound or put to sleep the vet suggested. The vet struggles with this since she is so loving, calm, gentle,(different personality) but something triggers when she is left alone.  ANY suggestions?

ANSWER: QUick question. Before you tryed to crate train her did you leave the crate open to allow her to get used to the crate (by putting toys and such in it when you are home and allowing her to freely go in and out of it.)?
-Michelle B

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, we did Kong toys, treats, a blanket with my scent and she still wouldn't go into it after several attempts.  The shelter warned us about her and the cage and said she hated her cage.  When she had to be hospitalized the vet had to give her a sedative to calm her since she was going crazy in it-trying to bite her way out/hurt herself there too.

ANSWER: What happens if you just let her wander the house when you are gone?
-Michelle B ^^

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We tried that and when I came home during lunch she had chewed up ALL of my vertical blinds plus aluminum blinds.  We had even left the window/door blinds cracked so she could see outside.  We had to replace EVERY blind and cost us greatly.  This poor dog has cost LOTS but the only thing we can do right now is sedatives and visable fence in the garage when we leave her along.  At least she has stopped chewing up the door jam since she get's a little "shock".  We hate doing that and the medicine but don't want her to be put to sleep like the vet recommended since no home would take her since no home can guarantee someone there 24 hrs. 7 days week to be with her.

If the only thing she chewed was the blinds keep them up out of her reach and let her wander the house. She only chewed them up because she wanted to see better outside. Mine have done the same thing (I left them tilted so he could see out but he still chewed the blinds strait down the middle) and when I just removed the blinds he is a perfect gentleman when I am gone. Some dogs cannot be kennel trained.
-Michelle B ^^