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Transitioning our Siberians to sleep outside

20 9:09:31


Zephyr napping
We have a 15 year old Aussie Shepherd whom we've had since he was a pup.
Until we moved to Denver a few years ago he had been an outside dog since
he was born. Now he sleeps in a conditioned garage at night. Since his health
is not great, we adopted a Siberian Husky pup this past week. He is 10 weeks
old. We had spent a few months doing research to find an active breed that
would enjoy the outdoors as much as we do. Seems it is a great choice for us.
However, we have never crate trained and it is going well. Zephyr goes into
his crate, in our bedroom, at around 11pm and sleeps until 6 or 7 am. We
take him outside to his "area" and he does his thing. He seems to be on a very
consistent schedule, much like my 3 kids were as infants. However, we would
like to eventually move him to sleeping either in our fenced yard or in the
garage and are not sure when or how to do this.

Additionally, we decided to bring in another Sibe pup, whom we will be
getting mid July, again at 10 weeks. Since Zephyr has seemingly adapted so
well, it seems like a good age. The new pup will be coming from a breeder.
While we realize we will need to give a lot of separate attention to both pups,
we feel it will be good to give them companionship and they can keep each
other entertained when we cannot.

Please advise on sleeping arrangements and how to progress. You can see
from the photo Zephyr is really comfortable on his new home!
Thank you,

Generally, once you no longer need the crate for training purposes, and can trust the dog around the house, it's pretty easy to move things around and introduce a new area to sleep and relax in.  I wouldn't rush it, but would introduce the new sleeping area in a couple of months and see how it goes.  You'll probably use both for a bit, but it shouldn't be that big of a deal.  Also, I would probably wait until the younger pup is ready so they can make that transition together.  A lot will depend on the dogs, but I would guess that maybe when the youngest is about 6-8 months is a good time to make that move.

And yes, two puppies is a handful and will require a lot of individual attention, but it can be done, and it is nice to let them play and interact when you can't.  Just make sure to keep them at least supervised and also they will still need "alone time" in their own crates.