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Timid husky pup

20 9:09:36

Hi, I live in New Zealand and have purchased a husky puppy from a local breeder, he is 4 and a half weeks old and is still living at the breeders house until he gets to 8 weeks, i have been going to visit him every weekend and have noticed that sometimes when you try to touch him he shies away from you. I am not sure what to think as ive hered these are a very confident dog breed and he is also only four weeks old so maybe he's yet to develop a true personality, but if he is a bit more timid than others will this rub off a bit as he grows or will he always be scared of strangers etc? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Proud Husky owner to be.

At four weeks of age, it really is much too early to distinguish that part of his personality.  When he gets to 8 weeks, he will be entering an important imprinting stage, and that will do more to develop his personality and confidence around others than what you are seeing now.

Between really 8-12 weeks or so, and then 10-16 (they do overlap) you have two stages of imprinting.  The first (8-12 weeks) helps them acclimate to you as an owner and identifying their "pack" whereas the later stage will help them be more comfortable in new situations, with other people, etc.  Your best thing to do is to be calm through these stages and introduce the dog to as many new things as possible.

Good luck!