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husky eating and the halti

20 9:10:55

hi i have a 14month male sibe , my ? is his eating habits he can go a couple of days without eating and he's always been like that but now that he's shed his winter coat he looks thin he's reguarly wormed can you give any advise , plus he pulls really bad on the lead due to excitment is a halti any good for helping this .

A Halti is very good, a sensation harness works very well also. I would take him in to the vet to depress his anial glands, could be why he doesn't eat so much. But I will say a husky not eating is normal. They usually start looking filled out by time they are 3 years old. I would add a little olive oil to his food just to push the calories!
Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B