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Ears not standing

20 9:11:43

I have a 70lbs. 1 yr old male who has grown up big and beautiful, but since he was 3 months his ears always flopped over.  When he is alert his ears stand erect.  Will they ever stand erect all the time? Is this a defect?

At this age his ears are probably how they are always going be. When bred to large the ears do not stand erect in most cases and also some lines ears get to big and will never stand erect. (Male huskies at the most should weigh 60lbs if they are within standard). Another problem with ones that are to big, is that the Husky gets bigger but their lungs stay the same size (they have the lungs of a dog half their size). But if you do not plan on doing a lot of pulling you won't have to worry about this. ^^
Sorry about the ears.
Any more Questions please ask!
-Michelle B