Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Siberian Husky 105 lbs

Siberian Husky 105 lbs

20 9:09:53

Male, 27 to 28" at shoulders.  Pure bred.  Gets up in the middle of the night, wakes me to go our.

We have changed to feeding once a day  (4 1/2 yrs old male)
early in the day.

What can we do about this?  I have been considering letting him out all night.  He has an enclosed porch and plenty of water.


Well, first, a 105 lbs. 28" dog is most likely not a purebred Siberian which should be closer to 23" at the shoulder and weigh about 60 lbs.  Instead, this dog sounds more like a malamute (which according to the standard dogs should be 25" and 85 lbs. - although there is no inherent disqualification for larger).  In any case, your question is a general dog question, not breed specific, so it doesn't matter much what the dog actually is.  :)

If the dog is going out to urinate, I would suggest making sure the dog does not have access to water within about 3 hours or so of going to bed.  If the dog is going out for bowel movements, I would make sure that you are feeding much earlier in the day (around lunch time).  Additionally, I would suggest making sure that you get out and either:

1) Go for a long walk before bed.
2) Have a good hard play session about an hour or two before bed.

The walk obviously is a chance for the dog to get out and eliminate for a while right before turning in for the night.  And the play session is actually designed to help wear the dog out and encourage elimination afterwards.  (Dogs often have to go after playing for a bit).

The combination of the walk, play time, and removal of water will help.  Although note that if you are taking the advice of the long walk and/or play time, I would make sure the dog has a little water available afterwards (or move the walk and play time to about 3 hours before bed, allow access to water immediately after, and then take it up.)

Keep in mind that males often have to go more than females, and he may just not want to make it through the night without a trip outside to mark some stuff.

Try these ideas and let me know how it goes.