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dog aggression in a multi dog household

20 9:10:02

I am by no means new to the husky breed but I am stumped at how to end the turmoil in our household.  I currently own 4 huskies, all intact, 2 males, 2 females and a small mixed breed male.  The 2 females, about 1 year age difference just can't get along and the last fight, has left me with severe injuries(possible loss of a finger).  These attacks are not over food, water, toys, etc.. they just have to see each other and they go at it through windows, crates, fencing...anything.  they have both been socialized around other animals as they were purchased as show dogs.  They both get along great with any of the males as well as my older female who passed away in Dec. 08.  They both listen very well (obedience) for the breed and don't give us any problems otherwise.  But after this last incident I am contemplating placing both dogs as I am getting scared that without intervention they will kill each other and with intervention someone will end up hurt worse than what they have done thus far.  I love them both dearly and don't want to give them up I am seeking some advice on how I can at least get them to stop fighting on site!  Any help, ideas, comments would be appreciated.

Sounds like the 2 are fighting for the alpha female spot. Unfourtanatly breaking up the fights and putting yourself in the alpha female position is one way to stop this squabble. Bitches are known for being unresonable and snappy with each other. But for this to work when the girls aren't supervised they have to be seperate so they have no squabbles withount you being their to stop it.

A slower way to break this is using comfort zones. You will find out what distance they can be within each other to have a mild reaction, you stop the reaction by having them do other things like Sit since they are obediance trained (have them seperated by an ex pen or in 2 seperate kennels so they are physically restraned so your hands are free to distribute treats). Do this one day then seperate them again until later that day and repeate the excecise. Move them closer when you can move them the distance they had a mild reaction and now they don't. Repeat this and keep moving them closer. Eventually you will have to have help and will be walking both dogs at the same times without a barrier but you will distract your dog and your freind will distract the other dog. You will do this for a while both of you staying far enough away from each other that you can control them. You again will move them closer. Keep them kenned next to each other  (don't let the kennels touch) when you are at this stage. Eventually you will get to on leash visiting time. Then after that it will be off leash visiting time. But even with all this work never leave them alone unsupervised and keep them seperate at all times. When the girls go back into season, do not let them see each other if you can help it. They are very grouchy around this time and it will take 1 small disagreement to undo all the training.
I would suggest a in home trainier, or at least talking to a trainer who can exsplain the finer points and show them to you as well. It will help you along.
I suggest the longer trainignn program it will get better results in the long run.
ANy more Questions please ask!
-Michelle B