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husky puppy concerns

20 9:10:16

QUESTION: I recently adopted a husky puppy who is now 3 months old.She is comfortable at home, but very shy when we go to other places.I take her for at least 2 walks a day, and am constantly working with her and researching this breed.I have set boundaries (not allowed on the couch or in my room)Sometimes, when I verbally correct her from going in my room or jump on the couch, she barks and bites me. Otherwise, she is pretty good, just displays ordinary puppy behavior.Should I be concerned? Also, I have 2 adult cats (2 1/2 yrs old) She likes to bark and try to nip at them. I think its just play, but should I be concerned about this as well?? I love my cats soo much and need to know if they're safe.Is there something I should do to make them comfortable with each other for life?

ANSWER: You will need a dog trainer to come to your house and see what she does. I don't know what she is displaying in her body language. It could just be play, It could also not be play. Also I don't know if she is complaining that she needs to listen or is she being snappy? When she does the barking and nipping, I would put her in a kennel for a time out for 5 to 10 mins. Depending on her body language I would or wouldn't tolorate the behavior.
If you have any more questions ask! Also if you cn let me know how she goes about it, how her body is positioned ect.
-Michelle B

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have now had my husky pup for just over a month and I now know her better. She is just trying to play with the cats. As for the biting, I made her surrender to me by pinning her on her side until she settled after nipping at me one time, and the nipping has stopped. Also, the barking is her way of complaining that she doesnt want to listen, you are definately right! Thank you for your advice and I'm sure I will be asking you for more advice. Thank - You!

I am glad that is all it is. :) A couple of my dogs complain when I tell them to do things like drop it, or off the coutch. But they always listen lol. Got to love them for it, I think it is just adorable when they do these things.
Looking foward to more questions!
-Michelle B