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My husky isnt eatting

20 9:11:02

Hi i was wondering if you could help me? You see my brother just got a husky from the pound and he hasnt eaten anything for adout 3 or 4 days except a few treats here and there. His husky, Somo, is adout 6 to 8 mounths old. I dont know exacly what food hes feeding him right now but if you could please help me by telling me what i  should do to help him get his husky back into a regular diet you would be my life saver. Please help us.

This is a common problem with rehomed dogs.  A lot of times, they just need to get adjusted and acclimated to a new environment before resuming eating.  Sibes also have very efficient metabolisms, so even a normal dog might go a day or two without eating much.

Two suggestions to help include covering his kibble with something that will encourage eating - things like low sodium broth (my dogs prefer chicken broth) or shredded cheese on the food can be a good encouragement.  Beyond that, give the dog some time.  If the dog isn't eating much more than treats for a week or so, you may have more serious issues, but usually, the broth or cheese are good tricks.