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2 puppies

20 9:11:41

We bought two female littermates at 8 weeks old (now 9 weeks).  We purchased two in order to provide them a playmate when we are at work or out for the day. Since buying them, we have seen numerous articles advising against buying littermates.  Is having 2 a problem and should we sell one?  I am confused because I also read numerous articles about how much huskies love being with other dogs!  We want what is best for the puppies in the long term.

The key problem to this is actually human based - training two dogs at the same time is very difficult.  If that can be overcome, then you should be fine.  I would suggest working independently with the dogs as much as possible and making sure that you work very closely one on one with them while you are working housebreaking, training, etc.  Pups from the same litter do sometimes have some trouble bonding with humans though, so keep that in mind as well - you need to increase interaction with humans to keep the dogs from simply relying on each other for interaction and companionship.

Hope that helps some.  My personal recommendation to first time husky owners that one is enough, and the second one should be obtained after the first one is adequately trained (usually around 5-6 months old).  However, I will say that my plan is to get two from the same litter when I do get more, but I have a lot more experience working with dogs now . . .

Hope that helps some and feel free to write back if you have any other questions or concerns.