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Heavy Panting

20 9:12:46

I have two Huskies both females Jena and Kira. Jena is 11 years old and pants all the time and at times its very loud. Both dogs go to the vet regularly twice a year mim and both are on heart guard. I have asked the vet why Jena is breathing so loud and the only answer I get is she nervous and getting old.  

It's hard to diagnose over email and I wouldn't want to counter a vet's opinion when he or she has physically examined the dog.  Common problems I've seen though: obviously heat (these are arctic dogs living in temperate climates - they get hot easily), asthma, and throat lacerations.  The asthma can be allergy induced or simply restricted airways, but if the breathing is not labored, usually causes minimal problems.  As for the throat lacerations, much less common, but Sibes are bred to pull, and it they aren't properly leash trained, the dogs can actually damage their own throats pulling against collars and can cause them to pant constantly.  I would keep an eye on things at the vet, but otherwise, trust the professional.