Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Very wierd behavior?

Very wierd behavior?

20 9:12:44

I have a 16 month old Husky that is very well mannered and obediant to my immediate family but acts wierd around strangers and some woman and girls. When a stranger is around the hair on his neck stands up and he starts pacing and whining. When the stranger goes to pet him he just stands real close to them and kinda growls. Do you think this is normal? He is not neutered... Would it fix this problem if i neutered him?... I dont want to get rid of him so please help me fix his behavior...

Unfortunately your description doesn't provide the intricate details that would be needed to identify the dog's intent with his growling, but I think you have two very easy fixes:

1) Neuter the dog.  There is absolutely no reason not to do so and it will calm him down some and remove some agressive/territorial tendencies.

2) Get training for the dog.  Public classes with a good trainer are a great way to socialize the dog to other canines and people, and it sounds like this dog has not had a lot of socialization outside of the family.  You say he is well-mannered and obedient around the family; this tells me that he is most likely a good natured dog, and just needs maybe a little guidance and more exposure to different experiences.

Hope that helps and feel free to write back if you have other questions or problems.