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female huskie wont walk on leash

20 9:16:35

hello, i have two huskies one female one male. the female i have loves to run i do mean run never walks. i try to take her for a walk but she is like a jack rabbit. as soon as she sees the leash so starts jumping can't even slow her down to put leash on. when we finally do get out the door which is very dramatic from all the excitment we never end up  walking she pulls and pulls so hard a walk is impossible. i have stopped trying. can you tell me how do i calm her down for her much needed walks so we both can enjoy it. she is so hyper nothing holds her down she loves to jump fences 6ft. is never a problem for her. i love her dearly there must be a way to get it across to her about just walking. can you help?

Dear Brenda,
What you are seeing is the true nature of a husky at work. Remember these dogs were not bred for pets but for working dogs. So many people get these dogs because of thier beauty and charm and forget the reason these dogs were bred in the first place, to run on a sled all day.
The classic dog obedience classes dont really work for most huskies, with the owner frustrated and every one there thinking what a dumb dog, so you walk away wondering just how you will train them. Really the only way to deal with this trait is to actually work your dog as intended. Mine have pulled me on a pushbike in harness many miles in thier lives, they still were powerhouses to walk but at least if you get this energy out it makes them easier to deal with.
Try running your girl ragged first in the back yard, get her some what tired then settle her down for a walk after this. Unless you work them this is about all you can do. As she gets older she will also calm down a bit. But a healthy husky is an active husky, you just have to find creative ways to harness all this energy and redirect it in your favour. The less you walk her the worse she will be.
Hope this helps.
Faye and Husky Crew.