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My 3 yr old husky wont shed

20 9:11:01

We adopted a husky last summer from the pound.  She was 2 and was very skinny.  Her coat was thin (no undercoat,not thick).   
She loved being outside in the winter and has a very thick and hot undercoat. It is mid-june and she is so hot she gets lethargic and won't even eat much, however she doesn't love being inside very long.  Is there something we can do to get her to shed so she won't be so hot.  I brush her with a slicker daily and even got a Furminator wich works great on our other dog, but she still won't let go of any of her undercoat.  I even have a wading pool outside for her but I've never seen her get in...she doesn't seem to like being wet.  Thanks for your time and assistance.

Unfortunately, some dogs have fur that either doesn't come out very easily, or doesn't blow out at all.  My best suggestions is that if you notice she is starting to lose some of her undercoat, you can try the warm bath trick.  A nice, long, warm (almost hot) bath does wonders for loosening the fur out.  However, for dogs that don't like the water, it can be a little tricky.

Other things to help coat health include extra fat, protein and lipids (oils) - even vitamin E supplements can help.  You can definitely try those and that might help some as well.