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Husky climbing over the fence

20 9:08:57

well I have a 7 month old husky and 2 little dogs a maltese and chihhua mix.But my husky keeps on climbing over the fence we have a pretty big back yard but sometimes he climbs to the other fence and to the neigbors yard and one time he climbed over the fence to the front of our house but we got him back.but is there anyway to make my husky stop climbing over the fence cause where afraid he might get far and never come back.

Your best bet is to make the fence unclimbable.  Sibes love to run, to explore and to get out of things - it's just their nature.  We actually have a 6' wooden privacy fence with an electric hotwire running along the base to prevent dig outs.  If the fence is chain link, I would suggest creating a barrier that prevents climbing.  If it's too short, get a new, higher fence that can't be jumped.

Some ideas on the chain link barrier:

Some people angle the fence in so the dog would have to climb at a negative angle - something professional climbers have trouble with and dogs often find nearly impossible without opposable thumbs.

Another option - install a pvc pipe at the top edge that is on a wire, allowing the pipe to spin around.  This would let the dog climb up to a certain point, but getting a foot hold on the pipe that spins is impossible.

And finally, you can electrify the fence at some point as well.  There are low grade energizers out there that are perfect for dogs and will provide a light shock to help keep the dog inside the fence.  I don't recommend the radio collars, but a real and live "hot" wire works well.