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Climate for huskies

20 9:16:16

I would like to know if it were possible to keep a siberian husky in my residence on the Island of Mombasa in Kenya, East Africa.  Temperatures go upto 35-40 degrees celsius.  I am not able to keep the husky indoors within the house, but would like to build a suitable area within my garden space for it.  Please could you advise all you know about how i should build the area and what to do to make it comfortable for the husky in that hot coastal weather? I've always dreamt of owning and taking care of a husky, coz i feel they are such beautiful dogs.  thank you.

Hi Rahat Yakub,

I want to say to you that Huskies are beautiful dogs and I myself also wanted one.  I made the mistake my first time by buying this breed and not knowing how to handle Huskies.  I learned over time how to properly take care of a husky.  I was only 18 years old at the time and it was my first dog.  If you have never owned a dog before, I don't recommended a Siberian Husky to be your first dog.  But I can understand your passion for this breed, so I want to give you some information on what you will need and what to expect.

First, yes they can live in East Africa.  They do have thick coats and live mostly in colder areas, but they can tolerate extreme wide temperature range in relation to their body temperature.  They appear better adapt in high temperature areas.  So you wanted have a problem with the temperature.  Just provide last of fresh water for the dog.

Second, these dog are runners and roamers.  You need a lot of train before you can even take it off a leash.  A lot of people can never take Huskies off the leash when they are outside the house.  If the dog runs away you might never see it again.  A large fence would work to keep it enclosed, so the husky doesnt run/roam away from home.

Third, they need lost of exercise.  You will need to provide a large enclosed area for the husky to run.  They need lots of exercise everyday.

Fourth, they destroy.  For example, dig up your yard, under fences, gas lines, etc.  They also will chew up anything and everything.  I have had my whole home, yard, interior of my car torn up by huskies.  The reason why they do this is because they get bored easily.  They need attention all the time or another husky around.  So if you a gone long hours of the day, a husky isn't the right breed for you.   

These are just some basic things you will experience when you get a husky.  Especially a puppy, young adult, and non-trained husky.  I just wanted you to be aware what comes with such a beautiful dog.  

I will help you build an area for your husky if you are still considering the breed.  I will need to know how big your garden area is.  I will also need to know what age (puppy/adult) of husky you want to get.  

I hope this information helps you.  I am not trying tell you not to get this breed, but I want you to be a little more prepared than what I was of what to expect with this breed.  If you can just get back to me with the question I asked, I can suggested a way to build a good suitable area for your dream dog.  

If you have anymore questions, please ask.

Thank you,