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husky whining

20 9:11:47

My 17th month old female Husky, for the last week as been whining and crying. She will pick up a toy and carry it in her mouth crying throughout the back yard. She has had that toy for over about 9 months and has never paid any attention to it now all of sudden she carries that toy around crying. She is walked daily and gets plenty of attention. She is never left alone.She got groomed yesterday and she was fine.  Could she be going through growing pains or should I take her to the vet?

A vet trip isn't necessarily a bad idea, as it could be something that you aren't seeing and able to relay to me.  However, female huskies (fixed or not) will often begin "nesting" sometime between 12 and 24 months.  If this is the case, make sure she has comfortable den to call her own, and you'll find she spends a good amount of time there.

The other thing is she might be bored and really wanting to play.  It's tough to answer, but hopefully these are some ideas.