Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > Odd coloring around mouth...

Odd coloring around mouth...

20 9:16:17

Hello!, Im sorry I forgot to mention that... its around the mouth, on the outside, like the fur is discolored a red, pinkish hue... thank you!

Followup To

Question -
    I have 2 Siberian Huskies, Yuri and Lola, who are both about a year and a half old. Recently, I have noticed that Lola has been getting a pinkish, almost red coloring around her mouthline. What is causing this? Is it ok? And is there a way to fix it? Thank You!

Answer -
Hi Adam,

Is the problem in the mouth around the gums or is outside?


Hi Adam,

There might not be anything to worry about with the discolored fur, but I don't know for sure.  It might be bacteria from her saliva that is causing the problem, but it she doesn't have any problems with her gum, then I don't know.  If it gets reddish brown, then I would take her to see a veterinarian.  It might need antibiotics.

I am sorry I can't tell you what is causing this for sure.  I am not an veterinarian.  I can tell you it isn't a medical problem that huskies have.  I would just recommend if it gets worse and you are really concerned, then please go to the veterinarian.

Thank you,