Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > crying husky

crying husky

20 9:11:36

QUESTION: i just recently got a 6 week old husky. he is adorable and very friendly but when it is time for him to go to bed, he cries ALL NIGHT LONG! i have a daughter and a son and sometimes my daughter takes him out of the crate to comfort him, but i tell her she shouldn't. am i wrong? and also i just wanted to know when he will be able to sleep in the bed with on of us..thank you!!

ANSWER: Do not give into the puppies crying no matter how loud or long he does it. If you cave in it will encourage this behavior. Usually you wait till he is potty trained compleatly. (About 6 months or so) Before allowing him the freedom of sleeping on the bed.
Any more quesiotns please ask!
-Michelle B

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for responding!!

when can we expect a "quite" nights sleep.  it's really making everyone a little crazy come morning.  help!!!

Sorry I cannot say that it depends on how persistent your girl is and if you let in or not. Just remember if you give in all the long nights will mean nothing you go back to square 1.
I know you can do it! I am routing for ya! (I have been though this with crate training, not fun.)
-Michelle B