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husky pulling

20 9:08:16

hi i have got an 11 month old male husky called bear! around the house he's very good its only when walking him he pulls like a demon non stop, as a pup he use to walk of the lead but as he got older he kept chancing his luck by going further away to the point i can,can't let him of now!I've tried a long lead and when he pulls i stop and go in other direction, also just stopping on the spot! i had him in a anti-pull harness that was padded but that cut his chest bad because the pulled that hard now he's on the collar but his pulling is choking him, i don't want him damaging his neck! is there anything you could suggest to stop him pulling I've heard that a halti or a sensation would help, I'm just not sure what to do ! any help would be grateful thank you

The Halti and the Gentle Leader work great! You should give them a try. It is the same technique they use to control over 1000 lb Horses. They can't pull if you have control over their head. It does require them getting used to it first. (They try and scratch it off their face.

A Dog trainer Vlad the dog wizard told me, If you want a dog that doesn't pull don't get a Husky. HAHA! But I find the Halti puts a stop to it. (Siberians were bred to pull things after all and run!)

Any Questions, Please ask!
-Michelle B