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Odd eye color in the dark

20 9:10:12

Hey there! I have a beautiful Siberian husky and he will be 3 years old in June. He has deep brown eyes but the other day my cousin and I noticed as his eyes were glowing in the dark that his left eye glows red and the other glows green. I guess my question is that is this typical for a dog that is not bi-eyed, is this typical at all, and his eyes all right? I'd hate for there to be something wrong and I had not noticed this until now. I am hoping that is  not threatening to his eyes in any way. He seems to see fine, I just want to make sure that he doesn't have some underlying problem.Thank you for your time =)

No you have no problem at all. I will be the first to tell you your dog is Bi-eyed, or parti eyed.
The color of the back of the retina will tell you your dogs true eye color. The eye that reflects green, is a brown eye all the way through.
The one that reflects red, is ether a dark Amber, but more likely it is a Parti eye with a tigroidial (named because the patten resembles tiger stripes) retina patten in the back. This means their are strands of pigmented tapetum lucidum  strands that have no pigment in them what so ever, like a parti-eye. My guess is that this dog has a parti eye but doesn't have a major amount of blue in it (lack of pigmented tapetum lucidum) so the patten doesn't show up on the iris of the eye. But you will have to take your doggie in to a canine optometrist and get a CERF test done to be sure. I can only make a guess. But I do know what your seeing is normal in Siberians. :)
Any more questions? Need clarification? Just ask!
-Michelle B