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husky getting along with samoyed

20 9:10:42

i am getting a male samoyed and my boyfriend is getting a male sib husky.. will they fight alot? or will he have to get a female husky?
my samoyed will not be getting fixed up but whether he gets a male or female his is going to be fixed.


First, it's impossible to tell how two dogs will interact, so I can only speak in generalities to help you make your decision.  So, here's a rundown for you:

1) Same sex pairings scuffle more than opposite sex dogs (two males or two females get into it more than a male and female)

2) Males fight more than females (read - two males will probably be worse than two females)

3) Unaltered males are more territorial than altered ones (fixed dogs are usually calmer)

4) An unaltered male may or may not consider an altered male to be a threat.

5) Siberian Huskies are pack dogs, and more likely to get along with other dogs.

6) I'm not an expert on Samoyeds, but I understand them to be friendly, non-aggressive pack dogs as well - so they will probably work well with a Sibe.

7) Dogs raised together from puppies often fair better with each other than dogs introduced at later times.  Generally, within the first year they should be introduced and worked with.

8) Dogs socialized at a young age are often less aggressive to any canine.

9) Well-trained dogs by consistent owners often integrate better with other animals.

Unfortunately, there is no absolutes here, but just ideas.  My general idea is that two males dogs is not the best idea, and not fixing them both is a worse idea.  I would definitely suggest a male/female mix, and definitely suggest spaying/neutering.  Beyond that, consistent training, early socialization and monitored interactions will help things along.  Also, if you live together, I strongly recommend against getting two puppies together, but maybe one, and then within the next 6-9 months, getting the second dog.  If you live separate, there should be no harm in getting them closer together since you won't have to deal with two puppies terrorizing the same living space.

Hope that helps some, and if you need more answers to some specific questions, feel free to write back.