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Running with Husky

20 9:09:52

I have a husky who is 6 months old I have bought equipment to go running with him but am unsure at what age I can start doing this as I have heard wearing a harness/running them too young can damage the dog. I hope you can help, thanks!

Running at 6 months is fine, however, I would stay away from pulling activities until the dog is about a year old.  Generally, the Sibe is a well-structured dog and can actually run and pull at a very young age, but sometimes they'll overdo it on the pulling front if you start too young.  So, waiting until 12 months of age is usually a safe bet.

As with any activity, keep an eye on your dog and be alert to their needs and abilities (which are all individual).  You would like to stop any activity with your dog before the dog wants to.  If the dog can run 3 miles, than you should only run 2 or 2.5 before stopping.  If the dog can pull you on a sled for a kilometer, than stop a few hundred meters before.  IF you leave the dog wanting more, you'll do two important things:

1) Encourage the dog to get out there and do it again and go a little further, building endurance and getting great exercise.

2) Help prevent injury, as many injuries happen as fatigue sets in.  If the dog isn't exhausted yet, he will be more likely to be safe.

Hope that helps and good luck!!

On a side note, I'm starting a year long training session with my oldest dog (5 1/2 years old).  She just had her second knee surgery (one on each hind leg) and I am ramping her up to be able to at run with me next year in at least 3 races - a 5k, 10k, and 10 mile run.  If things go well, I will add in a mini-marathon right after.  Our first run - just about a 1/2 kilometer.  She could have gone twice that, but slow and steady :)