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huskeys ears

20 9:10:45

i have a alaskianhuskey/malamute and she is about a week shy of 2months and her ears are still floppy aren't they usually up by then?

An alaskian husky is a husky mix to begin with. All an alaskin husky is a genaric term of a Pure bred Siberian Husky mixed with whatever, it is usually a hound. In this case the ears won't come up. If they mixed the Husky with something that the ears do stand up on i.e. german shepard. it might take a while but the ears usually stand up by time they are 4 to 6 months old. If they don't they aren't going to stand up. (It takes a while for a malamutes ears to stand, also depending on the breeding and the ear set, how the ears are set on the head so the muscles can controll them more properly depends on when they will come up) sometimes it take a pure bred Husky, if they are poorly bred to have large ears (northren breeds because of the heat loss in the ears are supposed to have small well furred ears but some breeders ignore this important trait), it takes them longer to stand errect.  
Any more questions please ask!
-Michelle B