Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Husky > fencing


20 9:09:16

Hello, I recently just got a 10 month old husky.  I live out in the country with a huge yard. but unluckily also a busy high-way.  The dog came from a big city and doesn't understand the seriousness of it.  I'm scared to let him off the leash thinking if it did take off it wouldn't come back, nor would i be able to catch him.  I've been looking at invisible fences so he can actually play and use some of his energy but i don't want to buy just any fence, i want to buy one that will work for even as suborn of a dog as a husky.  On i was looking at the "pet safe stubborn dog in-ground radio fence" but one of the reviews said they bought it for their two husky and in a week they figured out how to run through it.  I was wondering if you knew if that was a good system for a 10 month, neutered male. if you knew of any really good systems, or special tips on training a husky in that direction.

I have never encountered any invisible fencing system that works for a Siberian.  Some people have some luck with them, but I have heard of Siberians beating every system that I've heard someone else says works.  It is not an issue of training, it is an issue of the breed.  Siberians were selectively bred to be nomadic, non-territorial, adventurous and love to run.  Unfortunately, you can't defeat centuries of selective breeding with an electronic collar.  My only recommendation is to use physical barriers and use an electrical means as a supplement.