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puppy behavior

20 9:11:39

I now own my first husky and he is about seven weeks old.I know that huskies are very playful,but mine almost seems overly agresive.HE does not like to be held ,and no one can pet him without him trying to bite them. he also has other personality traits that lead me to believe he might have wolf in him,which would make him dangerous.Is this behavior normal? Will he grow out of it?

Huskies crossed with wolves can be very dangerous - although they are far less frequent than most people think.  In fact, I've known a lot of people that thought they had a wolf/husky cross . . . haven't seen one yet . . .

Puppies can be aggressive, and males especially so, so this is normal, but needs to be taken care of quickly and totally to keep the dog from becoming unruly.  My suggestion is that you begin training immediately.  Establishing yourself as in charge at a young age is extremely helpful, and usually results in a well-adjusted, happy dog.

I am curious as to what he is doing though, because it's hard to tell you what to do without seeing the dog.  I would recommend a professional trainer if you are uncertain what to do, as they can be the most helpful.  At 7 weeks, the dog still has about another 9 weeks of critical development, so changes are very easy to make.  Make sure the dog is being socialized as much as possible, and make the rules VERY clear from this age forward.

Write back with some specifics if you need more help though.