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Siberian Husky drinking urine and urinating every hour

20 9:16:52

I have an 8 month old neutered Siberian Husky.  He had coxidia when I got him.  He is growing, but much smaller than my other Husky.  Since his surgery at 7 months, he urinates outside, then an hour later, urinates in the house.  The other day it was on my foot.  Today when he went in his crate I caught him urinating in the crate and drinking it.  I am at wits end.  I don't know what to do.

Dear Cathy,
I do not think your dog's behaviour has anything to do with his illness. Let me explain.  
What is happening basically is he is in a new home, and wants to feel more at home there, that is why he has peed on his crate. He peed on your foot because he wants to mark you for all other dogs to know you are his special person. (romantic hey!) So he is marking his territory all over your house so he does feel more secure in his environment.
The problem you describe is a very common one, it appears your husky could be having dominance issues. He does this primarliy to mark this special space for himself in your home, my boys do it too, but my little girl was the worst one at it of all my pack, it took a long time to get her to be good inside.
It is normal dog behaviour, annoying but normal. He does this to personalise his space, so to speak, it makes him feel as though it really is home.  
Rubbing his nose in it will do little but make you feel better, the best move is to show him, or even better catch him at it. Tell him off, grab him and march him outside and leave him there quite alone. He will soon get the hint that messing inside will get him left out of all the fun, and he will hopefully get the hint. Most dogs on earth even huskies hate to be ignored.
Having a dog is a wonderful thing indeed, and somtimes you just have to
put up with a few negatives for all the unconditional love a dog can give.
I know as I have an entire pack of the guys. But I am the first to admit
with these guys anything can arise at any moment they certainally are a
handful at times.
The only other things I can think of that would cause your boy to mess
inside are these. Do you have any other pets that share your house? Has
some one recently bought thier dog over to your house to play? Have you
changed anything significantly in your home recently? Do any dogs live
next door? Perhaps there is something else going on I have not considered
like one of these factors.
Your dog just needs to be reminded gently of his parameters of good behaviour. These dogs are very smart, and he will quickly realize that he will be put out if he breaks the rules. That is the best thing to try. Also do
not clean where he has urinated with any cleaners that have ammonia in
them. This only encourages dogs to urinate in that same spot over and
over again.  
I hope I have helped you with this.
Good Luck after all you do have a husky, and with these guys good luck
never goes astray.
Regards Faye and Husky Crew.