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Jumping and a whistle

20 9:10:45

Hello Michelle,

I have a husky/boxer mix that is 4.5 months old.  He's a smart boy and has learned sit, down, paw, roll-over, and several others.  We're working on stay and re-call.

I can't whistle, and neither can my husband.  Is buying a training whistle--or a whistle or clicker in general--a good investment in training Lazarus to respond or come?  He's not very good at recognizing hand signals yet, and when we go to the dog park I'd like to be able to have Lazarus respond without having to yell across the park if he bolts towards fighting or barking dogs.  He has done this in the past several weeks and was attacked by a dog who had just gotten finished fighting another dog (his owner had him on a leash but did not leave the park.  Lazarus walked up to him, sat down, and licked his face only to get attacked.  We were calling for him the entire time while running across the field.  I would hate to have seen what worse damage dog would have done if not on the leash; Lazarus escaped with a bleeding tongue and bruised ego).  Lazarus wasn't the same for several weeks around other dogs, and after intense training on my part to prove that as his alpha I could protect him, is just now getting back in the groove of feeling safe around dogs he doesn't know.    

Also, we're attempting to curb the jumping habit.  While it's cute now that he's small, we know that it's an attention-seeking attitude (which is negative) and since he's already rather large at such a young age, we know that the jumping will only be detrimental if we don't get it soon--especially since we have four young nieces and nephews who are under the age of 5 and just love animals.  I know about the cross your arms and take your eyes away technique that some trainers say works, but when he jumps on strangers (at the dog park, for example) how can we teach him not to jump?  

Thanks for your time,


If he isn't listining to you when you call his name I don't think a whisle will do anything for you. You will have to make him WANT to come, like carrying food or his favorite toy on you to give him when he does. It will be a pain but the recall is the hardest thing to teach a dog. I heard trainers say it take 3 years of hard training to get them to do it every time. It is a harder thing for a Husy to learn because of there free spirit and care free attitude.

 The jumping can be curbed by doing more then just ignoring him you need to walk away to. You have to be really cold to the dog when he does this. In fact start giving the dog attention if they jump turn walk away and start doing something else to COMPLEATLY ignore the dog. You have to let people know this who greet your dog. They only can greet your dog if the doggie is good. Your dog is only jumping because it thinks this is the proper way to get attention. You have to make her see that isn;t the case. Attention for good behavior.

Any more questions please ask.