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My Terrified Husky

20 9:11:41

I have just recently adopted a husky, He is about a year and a half old and he was rescued from a remote town up north when he was 3 months old. The rescuer raised him for the past year till she found a suitable family. We have had him for about 2 months and he is terrified of everything. He seems to be adjusting well playing outside with our other dog (they are great playmates) But when it comes to us he wont even approach us. When we finally catch him to bring him inside he will come up for a treat after a while, but if we move ever so slowly he runs away and hides, or pees or poops on the floor in fear. We just want to make him feel comfortable and loved, any ideas where to start?

You will have to let him come to tearms with you on his own. Do not even attemped to touch him. Just feed him and water him, try to limit his exsposure to the other dogs. This will make him more willing to come to you for attention. Only pet and touch him when he finnaly offers it. It might take months or years. I don't know what happned to that poor dog. But you will have to let him watch you just to show him you are diffrent.
-Michelle B